Saturday, February 21, 2009

How to build community

We have a picture in our dining room called "How to build community"
This poster has been up since I moved in. I'm not sure if it's Wanda's or if it's from the previous regime. I've always liked it, but it's been a more of a "oh isn't that nice" list, than a "to do" list. I've been marvelling at how I get stuff done if I put it on a list this week, so, my February 21st resolution is to try to work through this list, and maybe make a habit of some of them. I'll keep you posted on how we do.
Paz y amor - Katie

Here's the list:

Turn off your TV.

Leave your house.

Know your neighbors,

Look up when you are walking;

Greet people;

Sit on your stoop;

Plant flowers;

Use your library;

Play together;

Buy from local merchants;

Share what you have;

Help a lost dog;

Take children to the park;

Garden together;

Support neighborhood schools;

Fix it even if you didn't break it;

Have pot lucks;

Honor elders;

Pick up litter;

Read stories aloud;

Dance in the street;

Talk to the mail carrier;

Listen to the birds;

Put up a swing;

Help carry something heavy;

Barter for your goods;

Start a tradition;

Ask a question;

Hire young people for odd jobs;

Organize a block party;

Bake extra and share;

Ask for help when you need it;

Open your shades;

Sing together;

Share your skills;

Take back the night;

Turn up the music;

Turn down the music;

Listen before you react to anger;

Mediate a conflict;

Seek to understand;

Learn from new and uncomfortable angles;

Know that no one is silent athough many are not heard. Work to change this

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've seen this poster, and I think this list is awesome. I'm sending encouragement your way.