Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I was in Miami for CCDA 2008.

The theme was "Seeking the Peace of the City".

Peace in Hebrew, "Shalom" has a really rich meaning. It's a restoration of the way things are supposed to be. It's nothing broken or damaged. It's right relationships to ourselves, our families, our communities, the world and God. Shalom.

Where do we find shalom already in our city?

Where is there a hunger for shalom in our city?

Where does shalom come from?

My soul is restored after my time in Miami. I was challenged and pushed, but also lovingly reminded of what God's hope is.

Next year CCDA is in Cincinatti, not quite as romantic as Miami, but it certainly will be a good time.

I've got some photos that I'll add later, but here's a young man who shared a krump for worship one night.

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