Friday, May 15, 2009

Tending chives (a somewhat posed photo of Bethany)

We've got a lot of our plants and seeds in the dirt now. It's been a fun process, though with the spring pollens allergies have slowed me down a bit.

Here's B at the garden last night. We put in two woodchip paths to help us get around the garden a little bit, tomatoes, peppers and zucchini are in the ground. I've met a few new neighbors and even learned that there's a tool shed (who knew?)

It's a week of transitions and changes:

B and Noel are on their way to Allison's (one of the first generation Steven's House girls) wedding in Florida. My sister graduated with a civil engineering degree last week. Noel is working on his last paper of the quarter on the plane. I've got 7 papers to write still :( but the school year is almost over. School year programming is almost done at Park Avenue and the summer staff is almost hired.

Happy Friday!
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