Friday, February 27, 2009

How to Build Community - Mediate a Conflict - How to Tell Someone They Sound Racist

There have been a series of articles about talking about race on God's politics by Eugene Cho and others this week. (10 reasons, Nation of cowards, Let's Talk about Race and others).

I really like this quote from Barby Zúñiga Ward as she tries to answer the question "Why is racism wrong?"

Racism is wrong because it misrepresents God’s intentions for man. It alienates man from God, by telling him that the color of his skin is a factor that determines how much God values and loves him. It is a lie with a profoundly evil inspiration.

So, how do we stand up to this evil without driving a wedge and alienating people further. Eugene Cho posted this video that I thought was immensely helpful from illdoctrine. I think this is a good tactic for any kind of conflict, or confrontation over an injustice. It's short, just three minutes.

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